Thamesmead Project, Southmere Site


Peabody Land Ltd


Thamesmead Project,
Harrow Manor Way,


7 months



Commencing in September 2017, we started contract works at the ‘Southmere site’ on Harrow Manor Way, Bexley. As part of this contract, we were employed to remove an existing pile of crushed material. After testing we determined that we eventually moved over 5000m3 of material!

We also demolished the Yarnton Way footbridge over Manor Way, implementing road closures and working closely with Bexley Council. Finally, we were tasked with demolishing the former Thamesmead library and maisonettes including all associated external walkways, staircases and ramps while taking extreme care of existing services.


Goody Demolition completed the demolition of the former Thamesmead Library and Yarnton Way Footbridge. The package also involved breaking out the designated MUGA pitch, removal of existing crushed concrete in the stockpiles and the subsequent removal of the slab, foundations, pile caps and piles.
The works also required us to organise footpath closures, pedestrian diversions, road closures, traffic diversions, diversion and relocation of services, closing off public areas, relocating garage tenants, erecting of propping, crash decks and protection scaffold.

Challenges overcome

Coordinating with other contractors

Due to the extensive nature of the redevelopment, the site and surrounding areas were each utilised by a number of other contractors of various disciplines, which necessitated ongoing collaboration between all parties. Traffic management was in effect throughout the works, which required us to liaise with other contractors to ensure deliveries and plant movements did not coincide and that disruption was kept to a minimum.

Extensive phase and sequence planning was also a major consideration, as contractors were co-dependent on one another completing their assigned tasks to allow for further stages to commence. Again, Goody worked with all parties to carefully plan the works, to ensure best-practice collaborative working was instigated and maintained from start to finish.

Proximity to neighbouring sensitive receptors

The site was bordered on all sides by sensitive receptors; businesses, residential properties and the Willow Bank Primary School which was in extremely close proximity to the Yarnton Way footbridge. Goody Demolition therefore liaised with the school continuously throughout the works to advise on any high-volume, disruptive works and plant movement etc., so as best to accommodate the needs of the school and its pupils.

Noise, dust and vibration monitoring were also stringently enforced throughout our works, to minimise disruption to the surrounding properties and keep pollution and nuisance to a minimum.

Project outcome

Our responsibilities on this project were delivered on time and within budget, with collaboration between local businesses, residents and other subcontractors maintained throughout. Our consideration and protection measures relating to all sensitive receptors neighbouring the site was stringently adhered to, which ensured a smooth project delivery with minimal disruption to the local community.
The works formed part of Peabody’s 30-year plan to transform Thamesmead, and to allow it to realise its potential, investing in the area by; repairing existing homes, improving public spaces, building new homes, looking after the parks and waterways and growing cultural activities and supporting the community.