Goody Demolition, acting as Principal Contractor on the demolition phase of the project under CDM2015 regulations, have been employed by Osborne to demolish all existing structures on site, including substructures and foundations. The works comprise full strip-out of the buildings, asbestos removal, structural demolition, crushing and grading of retainable materials for use on construction of piling mat and removal of all demolition arisings that could not be re-used. We are also responsible for site logistics and traffic management, as well as liaising with the local community in relation to the works.
The land at Pelham Street was acquired by Osborne in 2019 with outline consent for 135 private homes. The site is part of a wider hybrid planning application made by Brighter Metropolitan College, for a full redevelopment of the existing campus facilities.
Goody are due to be on-site throughout the rest of 2021, with the complete structural demolition of the 3 main buildings (Cheapside, Trafalgar and York) anticipated to run into early October, and the subsequent removal of the slabs and foundations and resultant crushing to follow.
We have been working closely with both Osbornes and Brighton and Hove City Council, to ensure all planning requirements are met and stipulations adhered to, as well as keeping local residents and businesses informed of the progress of works.
We have a drone flyover scheduled for the next few months to conduct a videographic overview of the site operations, so keep an eye out for this appearing on here in the near future!